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Pokey X Lil' Miss Marshmallow - by Sweet-Michiko

Pokey X Lil' Miss Marshmallow

Forgot to submit at the time I posted this to the forums.

Other Submissions by Sweet-Michiko

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Sweet-Michiko Happy New Year From Mr. Saturn!
This was a free drawing that I included in a customized letter to my first buyer on ebay as a way to show my thanks and gratitude. The drawing is done in ink and colored pencil. The letter to my customer has been edited out for obvious privacy reasons.

In the drawing, Mr. Saturn is dressed up as a tiger, and sitting on a Japanese New Year's decoration, called a kagami mochi. This is meant to celebrate the new Lunar Year.
1/27/10 0.00
Sweet-Michiko Mother 3 Wrapping Paper
Merry Christmas! This is Mother 3 wrapping paper I designed. It has some of my favorite characters from the game. It's a bit rushed because I've been focusing my energies into a massive project that I would like to see finished before the new year, hopefully.
12/24/08 0.00
Sweet-Michiko EB Store
I did this piece over a year ago as a part of the EB Siege, but I never ended up submitting it. I only just recently scanned it and decided to post it.
11/16/08 0.00
Sweet-Michiko My Earthbound Collection
I just copied the information I posted on Deviant Art, so I know most of you will already know this information I provided.

This is my Earthbound collection. Earthbound is known as Mother 2 in Japan, unfortunately Mother 1 and Mother 3 never saw an official release outside of Japan. I love these games a lot!

Pictured from top to bottom, left to right:

-Boxes that the ultimate chimera t-shirts came in from the King of Games
-Postcard that came with the first t-shirt order
-The t-shirt itself from the King of Games
-Super Famicom Wii-compatible controller (I included it in the pic because I thought it was spiffy) and wiimote
-The games: Mother 1+2 and Mother 3
-Mr. Saturn phone strap (was a bonus for everyone who preordered Mother 1+2. I only got this recently because it was an early birthday gift from a friend)
-CD albums including: Mother, Mother 2, Mother 1+2 and Mother 3+
-Background fabric! This was a find at Fabricland located in Canada! The fabric is made in Japan, and I thought it screamed MOTHER 3! So I bought 4 meters of it, and plan to eventually make it into a Mother 3 quilt ^______^

I don't own the English release of Earthbound, sadly. I grew up in a poor family, so I only got to rent the game when it came out. I'll get my hands on a copy eventually!
6/22/08 0.00
Sweet-Michiko Ness & Paula Cosplay
I spotted this cosplay group at Otafest 2008 at the University of Calgary in Calgary, Alberta.

I forget your usernames here, so if you're in this photo, pease comment!
6/8/08 0.00


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