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Electro Specter Emerges - by ozwalled

Electro Specter Emerges

Electro Specter emerging from a pile of liquid metal. The Electro Specter is another enemy that I'd not had a lot of interest in drawing for a good while. It wasn't until I was reading through the Player's Guide one day and read that it was "a lethal combination of energy and molten metal" that I was inspired to do this, one of my very favorite pieces of my EB art.

In my mind, I pictured a pool of liquid metal (a la Terminator 2) running uphill and morphing up into the Electro Specter, electricity arcing from it as it solidified. I also envisionned vein-like tunnels of the liquid rushing up, not unlike lava tubes. I feel that I'd captured all of that pretty successfully.

I also opted for axe-like and hammer-like "hands", to illustrate a "morphing" type ability.

Other Submissions by ozwalled

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ozwalled Kraken 2: Eden
Fan Art of the Week winner! 3 Apr 2006

A reworked pic of the Kraken, swimming in the depths of the Sea of Eden.
11/13/05 9.00
ozwalled Kraken in Black
The Kraken
1/15/06 0.00
ozwalled Kraken the Ice
Third Place-winning entry of Zip Cod Ness's Aug. 2005 Apple of Enlightenment revival. The theme/ prompt was "What if there was a blizzard in Summers?". Here, I figured, if there was a blizzard in Summers, why not go all the way and have a major freeze, even extending out to the surrounding waters? This would mean no boat ride to Scaraba, so the Chosen Four would have to bundle up and walk there. But with such a glorious triple pun of a title, you can forget about what lurks under the waves...
8/29/05 0.00
ozwalled Kraken v1.2
Some changes based on an edit/ suggestion by EB-Freak512mbps of my previous Kraken pic. I'm still not 100% happy with it, so I may revisit this one again some day.
10/30/05 0.00
ozwalled Kumatora
Kumatora. Pencil and marker.
8/6/08 0.00


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